How to pay your bills during the Enhanced Community Quarantine

Its day XXX, whatever of the Enhanced Community Quarantine in Luzon. People are going stir crazy by staying at home but the alternative is much worse. As of writing this post we have 707 cases of COVID-19 in the country.

Many companies have stepped up in helping alleviate the problems that Filipinos are facing right now. From donating food and medical equipment and to moving back due dates for bills and other payables.

I understand the move to moving back the payables for people during this time of crisis but if you really need to pay bills there are a lot of ways to do that without breaking quarantine. And staying home is the best way to help the Frontliners for now during the COVID-19 crisis. And the best of all, it’s free! No service charge.

For me, what I used was GCASH to pay our electricity, water and credit card bills without leaving the house. If you dont have the app yet, just download it from the App store or Playstore.

If you have no funds in your GCASH account – watch here:

Here’s a video tutorial how to pay bills like Meralco using GCash

Once payment is verified to your selected biller, you can also opt to receive an email like this:

Goodluck and keep safe people!

Download it now:

Google Play:

Apple Appstore:

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