Project Pie is in BGC

BGC just got a little bit better, especially the area near Globe Tower.. you  know why? Project Pie is finally in the house! If you haven’t been to be able to visit Project Pie.. this is a great time to do so… check out our earlier write up when they opened in Shaw Boulevard 4 years ago

Project Pie is located at the W Building right beside Globe Tower.. just google it for the address..

Here’s a look at their menu for starters..

They have 7 signature pies that are ready to be made and only costs 250 for the regular size or 370 for the 11 inch large pizza.

Or opt to create your own… for only 399 php for a large pizza or 299 for the regular.. by the way.. this is not a sponsored post.. lol.. it just so happened we ate there a couple of days ago and the staff were happily so awesome.

We got these 3 pizza’s, pasta alfredo and chicken plus 8 glasses for drinks for all less than 2,000 php…

This is the pizza preparation area.. pizza takes 5-10 minutes to create.. depends on you.. then about another 10 minutes to cook in this giant oven

Here are some of the awesome staff at the BGC branch.

Out for just coffee.. drop by.. they have awesome coffee from UCC for less than 100 php with cheesecake!.. Lol.. I dont a picture as I ate it so fast…


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