St. Pio Church in Bayangas

One of the essentials of being a Catholic is to visit different churches. Churches are named from the saints beatified by the leader of the Catholic faith which is the Pope.

ST. Pio Church

The most recently built one is the St. pio church in Sto. Tomas Batangas. It was named St. Pio who was born from Pietrelcina, a town in Italy. He was known for his charity and generosity.


He always shares with others his extraordinary gifts, among them is healing.


He died on September 23, 1968.
Sick people usually attends mass here on the 23rd of month.
Here are the updated schedule of masses:
Monday – Saturday 7am and 5pm

Special day of prayer, mass healing and blessing
1st and 3rd Saturday 9am
Every 23rd day of the month 9am and  5 pm

Sunday 530 am, 7 am, 830 am, 1030 am 12pm, 2 pm, 4 pm and 6 pm

St. Pio Church

As St Pio was popularly known for his quote
PrayHope and Dont Worry.

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