Celebrate Valentines with a new twist with Goldilocks treats

It’s the love month and red things are invading everywhere.. Heart shaped chocolates, pillows, shirts and other Valentine related stuff can now be seen all around. Why not try something new from the country’s number one bakeshop, has something that you can give to those whom you truly care about.

Introducing Goldilocks’ Heart-Shaped All About Chocolate Cake—a moist and fudgy chocolate cake with chocolate mousse filling and whipped cream, topped with a red chocolate flower and chocolate sticks. For only PhP560 pesos, you can express your sweet love to the people you’re fond of.

Not fond of heart shaped cakes?… no worries.. with Goldilocks you can choose from classic favorites like Greeting Cakes, Choco lollipops, and Polvoron available for those who want to give more love to the object of their affection.

Happy Valentines everyone!

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