Concerts go Digital with BalikBayan Bar

In the age of Digital.. going to an actual concert may soon end with the concept that Balikbayan Bar is implementing this march 11, 2018.. In partnership with Bayani Radio, these 2 are going to be bringing OPM heavy hitters together for a DIGITAL Concert to be aired live at

Just who are these OPM stars? How about Thor, Luke Mejares, Paolo Santos, Jay-R and Juris?

These digital concerts will be done on a quarterly basis to help everyone, including our OFW’s to be able to enjoy OPM songs at the comfort of their own homes and without having to travel so far.. this also helps the organizers in terms of logistics and expenses for the event.

How much? It’s so affordable.. that even the ones in the Philippines can afford it easily..4.95 usd – around 250 php only… cool, right?

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