Crisostomo Restaurant in Ayala Vertis

If ever you’re checked in to Seda Vertis North.. and want to try out restaurants outside the hotel.. try Crisostomo for yourselves…

Here’s a quick look at some of the menu they have..

The restaurant uses and open type kitchen where you can see the cooks and the food being prepared.

And based on the menu.. they serve variations of local native Filipino food like.. sisig ( no picture.. it was on the other side of the Beef Steak..made with angus beef if I remember correctly.

And Tortang talong, which I particularly liked.

be warned.. the restaurant is a bit pricey as you will see later.. The Beef steak was okay.. nothing spectacular.. Sisig was okay, but little serving.. but the Tortang Talong was great. We also ordered a coke, a mango shake, a SML and 5 orders of rice…

Tada!!… One good thing about it is you rougly get 5% back thru a promo they are running with ZAP.. I got aroun 115 php back..

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