Do it yourself security for your home

Yep.. here’s a quick and not so expensive way to protect your home from evildoers… well, not actually protect but a way to keep it monitored without spending an arm and a leg in setting up a cctv network.

You can download Alfred for free.. set it up in less than 2 minutes in 2 phones… one as a viewer, one as a camera… use the same gmail address on both. connect to the internet.. mount the camera phone in the area yu want to monitor and your done.

You ca add as many mobile phones as camera sources as you want.. you can event use old phones you no longer use… See.. I’m using an iphone 4s and a Cherry mobile Astro.. I even used an HTC phone thats at least 5 years old.. as long as it has enough space to install the app, a wifi connection and a camera.. then you’re good to go.. It works on Andriod and iOs.

You can turn around the screen orientation.. switch views between front and rear cameras, turn on the flash of the phone and even turn on night mode at night( although you can set that one to be automatic)

You can also manually record short videos on your own, if you see something that you want to record. unfortunately, as of now, Alfred doesnt do full recordings.. you can set it up with motion sensors… to automatically record if it senses movement.. it can also alert you every time that happens.

I like this app since I can reuse my old mobile phones at home and use it to watch over the house even when I am not them.. it also captures audio…

If you want a clearer clarity in the video.. go for the paid version only for 189 php per month. You get almost HD quality videos.

next up after this is how I added to this in setting up a simple home protection setup for our home

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