Johnson’s shows parents the Benefits of the First Clinically Proven Bedtime Routine for babies, launches their Bedtime App

We all know that Johnson’s is one of the foremost brands in the market today when it comes to baby stuff.. and with their latest announcement, Johnson’s steps into the Digital Arena.

In an event lately, Johnson’s showed to parents the importance of routines for babies to help them sleep better.


Research shows that routines help babies sleep better and sleep longer ins 3 steps

• Bath: A bedtime routine, including a warm bath with Johnson’s bedtime™ baby bath, helps baby know its time to sleep.
• Massage: A massage, using Johnson’s bedtime™ baby lotion can help baby sleep better. Familiar and pleasant scents can make baby feel happy and relaxed and lead to better well-being by enhancing baby’s mood and emotions.
• Quiet Time: The moments before bed are an opportunity to help baby wind down through quiet time activities, such as reading, singing or listening to music. Complement quiet time with Johnson’s bedtime baby powder to freshen and keep baby feeling comfortable while sleeping.

As a pioneer in the science of baby sleep, JOHNSON’S® understands the importance of sleep for happy, healthy baby development. “Sleep is very critical to a baby’s growth and development. That is why we created the first routine clinically proven to lead to better nights for both moms and their babies,” shared Bessie Campillo, JOHNSON’S® Franchise Marketing Manager.

“Every one of our bedtime products is backed by science and enriched with a special blend of gentle and calming aromas designed to enhance the bedtime routine for both baby and mom. We know that babies grow physically, cognitively and emotionally with better sleep and if moms and their babies don’t sleep well, then their interaction with each other is not optimal, which also has its own effects,” she added.

“Research shows that sleep rhythms begin to develop at around 6 weeks, and most babies are developmentally capable of regular sleep-wake cycles by 3 to 6 months. As your baby begins to understand the difference between night and day, it’s the perfect time to help improve his sleep routine,” shared Dr. Agnes Tirona- Remulla, a specialist in ENT-Head and Neck Surgery, subspecializing in Sleep Medicine and Surgery.

The Tonight We Sleep™ App from Johnson’s is based on science.

The JOHNSON’S® BEDTIME™ Baby Sleep App includes:
– Sleep Log to track baby’s sleep sessions and to share with others caring for your baby.
– 3-Step nighttime routine with instructive videos and step-by-step advice.
– Access to our panel of sleep analysts, including our Sleep Expert Dr. Jodi Mindell, who will answer your sleep-related questions.
– Customize your sleep routine and sleep routine reminders.
– Lullabies and Ambient Sounds to help soothe your baby to sleep.
– Ability to create and customize your own baby sleep routine
– Child’s Sleep Analysis & Sleep Score with custom recommendations
– Lullaby Baby Sleep Playlists
– Sleep timer for Ambient Sounds / White noise
– Updated FAQ set for Sleep Expert Questions
– New charts for baby’s Sleep Log tracking


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