Paragliding – one of the things in Bucket list

I cant believe this! I finally have the chance to do one of the things in my bucket list! YAHHHOOOOO!


What is that? Paragliding!!! Although I won’t be alone. Since I’m a first timer and a newbie – I’ll be doing my first jump in tandem with a qualified Paragliding instructor.

It’s either going to be done somewhere in Metro Manila- in Rizal I think ( my mind zone out just thinking about the jump) or in Sarangani when I go with my friend Raffy Pedrajita of to cover the 1st International Paragliding Accuracy Championship 2014

IPAC 2014 Director and Chief of Paragliding in South East Asia, Buko Raymundo

Here’s the man behind the IPac2014, IPAC 2014 Director and Chief of Paragliding in South East Asia, Buko Raymundo. And hopefully, he will be one jumping with me when I do my Tandem Jump.

What else is in my Bucket list?

Drive A Ferrari

Drive a PorscheScuba Diving

Visit Mount Everest and Yosimite.

The 1st IPAC is to be held on August 21-24, 2014 in Sarangani Philippines.

Read more here for additional Information. 1st International Paragliding Accuracy Championship 2014


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