Places to stay in when you are in Taal Lake, Batangas

If you ever find yourself in Sito Lipute, Barangay Kinalaglagan, 4223 Mataasnakahoy, Batangas, Philippines, here are 3 places that you can stay at for vacation, spending the night or whatever..

Taal Lake Conservation Center –  this is the most affordable place you can stay at, especially if you are a backpacker.. this place is perfect for you.. you have the choice of camping out with your own tent or stay in the mezzanine area…

Photo from TLCC facebook page
Photo from TLCC facebook page

Here is their facebook page for more information:

Another place that you can stay at is right beside the TLCC, which has a treehouse and 3 huts..
Staying  in the Huts overnight is 700 php and 1,000 for the tree house… food is allowed to be brought in as long as you bring your trash back home to..

Or you can opt to have Ka Betty cook for you at 250 php per head.

The 3rd place you can stay at is Emilio’s Resort

It has 2 swimming pools, a basketball court, a volleyball court and a restaurant.

All 3 places has access to the lake and offers activities like kayaking and others.

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