SOBBA, the ultimate buffered alkaline drops in the market today

Lately there have been some uproar about alkaline water and all that, and I have to admit, if you listen to the science behind what they say, then there might be truth

There’s a new product in the market called SOBBA, which is short for Sterilized Oxygenated Bicarbonate – Buffered Alkaline is a registered product under the Food and Drug Administration Philippines with Registration Track No. 20140911153855.  It is an excellent acid and alkaline fighter that helps restore blood pH level to 7.4 returning your body to its homeostatic state. Most of the food and drink we take are acidic in nature while some are strongly alkaline. Your body has naturally build-in ‘buffering system” to resist and maintain your blood pH to normal. However, as one grow older, the body’s buffering capacity decreases. SOBBA helps to resist and maintain blood pH level to normal and assists your body’s requirement to attain a homeostatic state.

Basically, you add SOBBA to whatever you want, coffee, beer, water, juice and it will do it’s job. What is SOBBA?

SOBBA is an ozonized water treated with high-energy oxygen to contain elevated oxygen levels for the prevention of serious diseases. The buffering action of SOBBA also aids in oxygen absorption (dissolved oxygen directly proportional to alkalinity) providing a one-two knockout punch geared towards OPTIMUM HEALTH and BETTER LIFE.


SOBBA FDA Reg.Track No.20140911153855

Sterilized Oxygenated Bicarbonate-Buffered Alkaline Drops

  • Maintains body’s healthy blood perfect pH balance & effectively prevents ACIDOSIS and ALKALOSIS
  • Maintains body’s self-healing capability
  • Increase body’s Oxygen absorption
  • Maintains body’s immune system

Each 30ml bottle contains:

  • An award winning mathematical formulation for efficacy – SOBBA drops, based on 2 quadratic equation on bicarbonate buffering developed and tested while working at water treatment facility in Saudi Arabia at stake on the inventor’s life – Chemical Engineer Horacio B. Freires.
  • Hydrogen Bicarbonate, a weak dissolved carbon dioxide non-toxic acid, the foundation of buffering;  with its amazing infinitely perpetual reversible equilibrium chemical reaction/equation
  • Conjugate non-seawater salts/minerals – K, Mg, Ca, Na . .the partner in buffering
  • Trace Minerals & its Homeopathic properties

We also solve any water problems

  1. Alkaline Water Refilling Station
  2. Non Biologic with Return Option (NBiRO) Wastewater Treatment
  3. Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant (Desing and Build)


Harry or Racie Freires is a multi-awarded Filipino Engineer who graduated from the Pamantasan ng Lunsod ng Maynila with a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering degree. He served as Chief Engineer in 1987 of a British owned water plant company in the dessert of Al Kharj, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia where SOBBA was innovated and later perfected.

Engineer Harry Freires at present holds THREE INTERNATIONAL PATENTS listed as follows:

  • The WORLD’S FIRST bicarbonate buffered alkaline drinking water (SOBBA drops).
  • Reverse Osmosis membranes by the way of his re-designed Dupont plant lasted almost 10 years.
  • “CO2-turbulence technology” for big Reverse Osmosis plants to prevent membrane fouling and attain great economy or savings in membrane cleaning & replacements.

SOBBA is manufactured by SchyTech Enterprises and distributed exclusively by B2B, Incorporated.

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