Tips for those thinking of Paragliding or just watching it.

Hi Guys, last week I was fortunate to be part of the Manila contingent that covered the 1st ever International Paragliding Accuracy Championship held in Safi Ranch, Maasim, General Santos City in Sarangani.

Paragliding is a sport where, pilots ride the air currents when they take off from a mountain,cliff or anything else that is high enough to support the wind needs.


If ever you want to want or even try it.. here are the tips you will need to survive to day hale and healthy.

1. Bring Headgear   – I dont mean a helemt – although you will need one if you decide to fly. I mean bring something to cover your head. A hat..better yet a fisherman’s hat, or one of those big balabals you can wrap around your head.

2. Wear a long sleeved shirt. if not bring a pair of those sleeve covers that motorcycle riders use.

3. Bring Sunscreen – if you are one of those people that burn easily – this can be a lifesaver.

4. Bring a lot of water..Better yet if you can bring a small cooler with ice or ice water -why? It’s hot out there -we dont want you dehydrated.
5. If you plan to take pictures – bring a camera with a lot of zooming power and a ot of memory. Why? most likely you will be taking a lot of pictures. And besides, how will you get nice action shots if there is no zoom.


6. Bring food –  you might need to wait a long time to actually get to fly.. because it depends on the wind conditions.

7. Bring a books or something to pass the time.( you will need this if you are not the sociable type).

Well, those are the things I suggest you at least prepare, also dont forget to ask your companions what else they would suggest.And if you want to try it our – you start with Tandem Jumping, ping me for more details so I can intro you to the best!

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