Turcumin, Luyang Dilaw, A Herbal Supplement

Luyang Dilaw or in Tagalog also known as Banglaw has Turmeric as part of its natural properties and in Turmeric you can find Curcumin…

Studies has been shown that Curcumin can help prevent a lot of illnesses. Clinical trials in humans are studying the effect of curcumin on various diseases, including multiple myeloma, pancreatic cancer, myelodysplastic syndromes, colon cancer,psoriasis, arthritis, major depressive disorder and Alzheimer’s disease.[10][11][9][12][13][14]

Source –  Wikipedia

Why am I writing about this? My wife bought some.. since she thought I needed more vitamins and supplements…According to her one of her friends recommended it to her since I smoke.. According to them.. curcumin, the active ingredient in Turcumin can help fight the effects of smoking.. I didnt believe it at first and actually just left the box she bought from Mercury Drug on the table for a couple of days until she sent me this link.


Then this…


And this


So, it seemed I was fighting a losing battle… Hehehe. honestly, whoever wins against something you’re wife wants in the long run right?

So, I decided to start taking the vitamins… After a couple of days, I noticed some changes.. I didnt get tired that much anymore.. I lost some craving for cigarettes and actually ate a lot more.. It might be my imagination or just because of other factors.. But, Im still taking Turcumin

everyday.. supplements are  meant to help right? So its just part of the batch of vitamins and supplements I drink on a daily basis like my Mosvit, Circulan and Vitamin C.

Keep Healthy Guys… your Health is the Key to your Wealth.

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