Why Home Based and Working at home will have a hard time in the Philippines

Why Home Based and Working at home will have a hard time in the Philippines..

Dont get me wrong..I’m a firm advocate of home base d or working at home and being a Freelancer.

Then why do I say that it will have a hard time to flourish or grow in the Philippines? It seems that the younger generation have no sense of responsibility anymore.. How can I say that? I work with a lot of home based freelancers and based on my experience is this –  70% of them will flake off, fall of the end of the earth, die an anonymous death, lose their phones, get amnesia and put you in the seen zone..

What do I mean about this?

I had a data mining project before, I outsourced part of it… know what happened? Nothing..waited for weeks for the file to be finished.. and none.. no update, no effort of the rep to contact me and update the situation.. and basically nothing.. Then I found someone else to do it… gave her the file… got the file back.. double checked and found a lot of errors… I asked the rep  to double check her work and fix it.. you know what she said me? double check it yourself and just pay me what you owe me…

Behaviors like that will not only jeopardize the project but the entire industry…Clients will get fed up… and move on…

I have more examples than that.. I had a home based rep set for final interview.. confirmed and everything – suddenly doesnt show p for the vidcon…and the funny thing is –  I can still see her on skype and facebook.. Hahahaha..

Now, a tip for those whowanttowork as a Virtual Assistant and homebased rep.. please have some scruples and a sense of responsibility.. if you dont want to the job anymore for whatever reason –  have the decency to say it straight out…

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